martes, 29 de diciembre de 2009

"Not like before, her smile was warming yesterday"

Looking forward to 2010 "Happy New Year"

I've just seen the most beautiful skirt of the universe! Of course it had to be mine, and now, it is. It was love at first sight, for those ones who didn't believe it happened, yes, it happens, and yes, it is real. Just one problem with my beautiful black over pink skirt, the zipper... No problem really, easily fixable, so as soon as I got home, I rushed to buy everything so I could wear it in New Year's Eve (yay!).

And there you were, yes, there he was... I had never seen you before, but as soon as you helped me cut a piece of black velvet my brain&mind couldn't avoid picturing how you asked for my number, or how you wrote yours on the little piece of paper that said how much I owed you. I pictured myself telling you how I was going out of the country tomorrow morning (this part is true, ha!), so he couldn't find me until the 2 last weeks of January. I pictured myself telling you it was all right, we could have lunch together sometime That I walked by that part of the town all the time because my school wasn't far away from there.

But no, you finished writting, I finished paying, and no number exchange, no secret messages, no lunch time together. But it didn't really matter, you had made my trip to the haberdashery a lot much more interesting! Plus... now I had something to write about :) Oh, how sweet is life!!


martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009

"It's such a beautiful morning to see the look in your face"

As the young lovers float in a sea of grass and swim beneath a lake of sea nymphs...

No room at the Inn

Spinning on the dizzy air; Mitochondria Girl

Sweet blood, repellant garlic, you either love it or hate it.

**Now tell me girl, what's in your mind?**

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

"Ojos claros, piel canela"

It is a cloudy, stormy, somehow lonely day at the beach... Somehow lonely. So, I've decided to make a post :) A post about loneliness, with all the pictures by the beautiful Valeria Cherchi (we have the same name, proudly!)
Loneliness when you are alone, loneliness when you are surrounded with a crowd. How ironic, those are the times when you feel more lonely.
But lonely is good, lonely is all right! Lonely can't mean sadness, it may only mean, an opportunity to be with yourself, a chance to know you, and enjoy your own company :)
Lonely is good. I like lonely... not that I want to be alone forever, it just means that it doesn't bother me. Lonely is good.
Don't sweat it; embrace it while it lasts :)

Now, some facts:

Big knowledge sometimes shocks and may actually damage.
Zapata was drafted because of a girl.
You can see the future inside a glass of water
"Bon Iver" means "un buen invierno".
Muriatic acid and aluminum foil explode.
There's only one true love at a time.
The best days are the ones where you expect nothing.
Proto humans learned to create fire as early as 790 000 years ago.

Okay, not really facts, but just maybe... things :)
Happy Holidays! Each day Christmas is closer and closer.

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

"Oh, how I miss that little sunshiny little summer girl..."

It's Christmas time!
We finally could get my dad to agree on having a Christmas tree :) he really wasn't into it this year. I know it's not how a cool designer would decorate his tree but, we do what we can. My whole family has this tradition of putting all the Christmas cards in the tree, and over the years (yes, years!) we've got some really cool ones! The Beatles, and Pablo Picasso :) Merry Christmas to you all! Have some interesting Holidays!

Peace, love, gifts, snow, sea, sun, music, and rock&roll to you!

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

"When you asked how I was doing, was that some kind of joke?"

"He aquí, al fin, un verdadero enamorado- dijo el ruiseñor.

Aquí sin lugar a dudas, está el perfecto enamorado.

Lo que para mi es alegría, para él es dolor. Ciertamente el amor es algo maravilloso.

Si quieres una rosa roja, la tendrás que formar con la música a la luz de la luna, y teñirla con la sangre de tu propio corazón. Tendrás que cantarme con tu pecho apoyado contra una espina."

El ruiseñor y la rosa
Oscar Wilde

Me? I would sing as a thorn drills my heart all the way through the moonlight until the sun comes out, but... would you?

"Yesterday I got so old it made me wanna cry"

Eh, ¿qué tal?
Capitalismo... no?
Me encantaría, solo enséñenme cómo Emilianos Zapatas

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009

"You're such a strange girl, I think you come from another world"

"¿Por qué no puedes ser como el Príncipe Feliz?- decía una madre razonable a su pequeño que lloraba por alcanzar la luna.

Entonces miró hacia arriba y vio... ¡Ah!, ¿qué es lo que vio? Los ojos del príncipe estaban bañados en lágrimas, y las lágrimas corrían por sus mejillas doradas.

Una preciosa joven se asomó al balcón junto a su novio. ¡Qué maravillosas son las estrellas!- dijo él a la muchacha.

No existe misterio más grande que el de la miseria... Pero al fin comprendió que iba a morir.

Así fue como bajaron la estatua del Príncipe Feliz: Ya que habiendo dejado de ser hermoso, ya tampoco era útil."

"¡Ha dicho que bailaría conmigo si le llevo rosas rojas!" :)

"The sun's not yellow, it's chicken; ¡La victoria con aroma a limón es mía!"

La princesa y el guisante. Maybe it wasn't really there, maybe it was all a conspiration to see who was the most psychotic princess. Maybe it was all a dream, and maybe the pea didn't even existed. Maybe no one is a princess, maybe there had never been one. Maybe it was all in our heads. And at the end, the matress is all gone, there's no pea, and they both rot in the forest"as time goes by". How sad.
If she's a blonde or brunette
Or if she's slim or she's fat
It doesn't matter at all
When I fall, I fall

It's in the way that she walks
And in her smile when she talks
I'm simple losing my head
And I fall

You may see me as a thinker
Always hiding from his own insanity
Like a bunker o a tinker
So confined within my personality

I met Sally at a bus stop
We fell in love and we got married inside my head

domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009

"All I can do is be me, whoever that is"

Why, it's Christmas already... and no snow yet. Here, it never snows darling.

"-¡Ahí va el pacto con Satanás!- gritó con voz enronquecida y rencorosa.
-¿Lo que quieres es que te llamen el Príncipe Encantador? ¿Verdad?
Se mordió los labios, y sus ojos entristecieron por un momento. Después de todo, ¿qué le importaba aquello? Nuestros días son demasiado cortos para soportar encima el peso de los errores del prójimo. Cada hombre vivía su propia vida y pagaba su precio por vivirla."
El retrato de Dorian Grey

Príncipe encantador? Así es como quieren que los llamen? No creo. Prince charming sounds so boring... Me? I want a James Dean. Me? I want a rebel ;)

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009

"I danced with a stranger, but she just reminded me you were the one"

Passion meets love, red meets blue.
Algunos dicen que el rojo es el color del amor, otros dicen que es el azul, yo digo, que el rojo me suena más a Navideño :) Ya se siente el espíritu! Sure she's a heartbreaker, if she have one...

Sometimes I feel I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
Once I ran to you
Now I'll run from you

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

"Please, can you just die or something?"

"There goes my baby, she knows how to rock&roll"
El arte, como el amor, no siempre sigue la razón. Las cosas son, nos gusten o no. Las entendamos, o perdamos la razón.

La belleza seductora, dulce y necesaria, quién dice qué es o qué no es? Beauty is found in the eyes of the Beholder :) or so they say... Siempre cambiando, porque estamos nosotros cambiando, sin embargo, nunca igual, ambas cosas evolucionan. Mejor? Peor? Cliché pero solo el tiempo lo dirá. Mejor? Peor? Por qué no simplemente, diferente?

Don't you worry sweetheart, he's going to come, in fact, he's coming. Every second that passes, he's nearer :)
"Tragedia es únicamente en las obras de teatro, porque, mi final, a fin de cuentas, es mi principio"

"Y porque al final de mi vida... todos fueron el amor de mi vida"

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

"Tainted love, Tender love; You're an idiot, babe. It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe"

Hello Mr. "you are so fake trying to ignore me". Yes, I saw you. Yes, when I saw you you were staring at me. And yes, I noticed your eyes on my face plenty of times, as well as your friends' eyes. You are just so bad faking to ignore me. But oh my dearest friend Destiny called our lives to be united at least for a 20 minutes ride. We were waiting for the same bus, and we didn't know it. Mr. "you are so fake trying to ignore me" yes, you were handsome; green eyes, tall, cute, rock&roller, black suits you. A 20 minutes ride in which I got the front seat, sorry Mr. "black suits you", you are going have to enjoy your ride in the back part, because... I got the front seat ;) There was this large and wide mirror, I catched you staring at me, but it didn't matter, I was staring at you too. Moments, you could live your life again if you could repeat certain moments, those moments. Good luck Mr. "black suits you", I wish you well, farewell :)

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009

"Behind every beautiful thing there is some kind of pain"

This is for you world!
Happy 2010!
Just mind your fucking busines! :)

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009

"When we meet, we exchange souls"

"Show me show me show me, how you do that trick, the one that makes me scream she said, the one that makes me laugh she said, and threw her arms around my neck, show me how you do it, and I promise you, I promise that I'll run away with you, I'll run away with you..."

Qué depresión! He estado pensando acerca del año que justo va a terminar, 2009, y qué triste, he llegado a la conclusión de que fue un año para nada interesante! Nada, qué pasó? Nada. Cómo es posible?! ALGO tuvo que haber pasado. Pero pienso, pienso, y pienso, y por más que sigo pensando no se me ocurre absolutamente nada genial, fuerte,
culminante, algo que marcara una diferencia. Tal vez será porque se fueron varios amigos, varias personas a las que yo quería, tal vez sea porque no he visto a esos que no se acaban de ir sino que ya hace tiempo que se fueron. Varios "tal vez", y nada seguro. Pasó que descubrí el maravilloso mundo de los blogs, que me volví más radical, que sigo sin saber quién soy, qué soy. No puedo decir que si no hubiera vivido el 2009 mi vida sería igual, porque no sería verdad, pero aún así... no dio mucho este año. O sí? Dicen que la vida, al final, se resume a momentos. Esos momentos que, por volverlos a vivir vivirías otra vez toda tu vida exactamente igual, y creo que sí, este año que está por acabar me ha dado muchos de esos momentos. 2009 no fue en vano después de todo, tal vez, nada lo sea...

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

"Leaving rope burns reddish ruse; only love is all maroon"

I'm not very happy today, but it's not like I'm sad. I simply am. That's all. Today I've just realized why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling. Longing. Longing and missing, and realizing you don't have that something in your life and you wish with all your heart you could have, be a part of that. Even if it's just a small part, you want it, you want the chance.

Today I just thought, "OMG, half the school is going to be in love with those kids after they play that song". Hours later, came the longing. I longed, not because I liked those younger kids and didn't allow myself to even think of them as "boyfriend material", the longing came because suddenly I realized I did not know anyone my age (or older) like them, and would like to be with a guy like them.

Or is it just the perspective? Is it just that I've seen how those kids grew and turned into big, tender, musical, handsome, teenagers? Yes, it may be the perspective, but still, I know no one like them, and how I wish I knew at least one! Or wait, maybe... I do, it's just I haven't seen it yet, the perspective :) **

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

"And know what's only left are the marks of an unsuccesful suicide, how sad"

Who am I?
What am I?
Where the hell am I standing?
I don't know, I'm happy, & that's the important thing right?
"But you know that its good girl, cause its running you with red"
Oh la la, Paris, how I love you!

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

"Soldiers are walking down the streets, we're at war"

El movimiento del '68. El famoso 2 de octubre no se olvida.
Un gobierno represor, unos estudiantes inconformes, un partido de football americano.
Sangre, miedo, valentía, y correr por sus vidas.
En México no se había visto nada igual, ningún genocidio tan grande, tantos jóvenes luchando por una causa... Pero qué causa?? Ni siquiera ellos lo sabían; libertad de expresión, libertad de manifestarse, dejarlos ser como ser.
**Qué contraste!**