domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

"Ojos claros, piel canela"

It is a cloudy, stormy, somehow lonely day at the beach... Somehow lonely. So, I've decided to make a post :) A post about loneliness, with all the pictures by the beautiful Valeria Cherchi (we have the same name, proudly!)
Loneliness when you are alone, loneliness when you are surrounded with a crowd. How ironic, those are the times when you feel more lonely.
But lonely is good, lonely is all right! Lonely can't mean sadness, it may only mean, an opportunity to be with yourself, a chance to know you, and enjoy your own company :)
Lonely is good. I like lonely... not that I want to be alone forever, it just means that it doesn't bother me. Lonely is good.
Don't sweat it; embrace it while it lasts :)

Now, some facts:

Big knowledge sometimes shocks and may actually damage.
Zapata was drafted because of a girl.
You can see the future inside a glass of water
"Bon Iver" means "un buen invierno".
Muriatic acid and aluminum foil explode.
There's only one true love at a time.
The best days are the ones where you expect nothing.
Proto humans learned to create fire as early as 790 000 years ago.

Okay, not really facts, but just maybe... things :)
Happy Holidays! Each day Christmas is closer and closer.

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