jueves, 15 de julio de 2010

"Staring at the sea of lightness"

"I'd like to have company during thunderstorms, I'd like you to fall for me but soon turn lousy and wrong, I meant what I said, all I want is to be one of the best" -Camera Obscura

Indeed, thunderstorms have been present in my daily schedule. Even though it's summer, I swear each day is getting colder. I mean, the last day with that special warmth was waaaaaay back in May! It is summer and there are no shorts or skirts being worn. Tights; that's what we've been wearing. I'm starting to believe all that global warming crap!! :O About the post, yes all the photos were taken by myself. Obviously ha. And yes, that's me in the yellow skirt.

Today, let us remember: Josef Frank

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